Gar nicht neu, aber nach wie vor aktuell: Digital Detox. Was hinter dem Trend steckt und warum er auch 2023 noch immer so wichtig ist.
© Eneko Urunuela

Trend Watch Digital Detox: Even in 2023, We'll be Vacationing Without Smartphones & Co.

Not at all new, but still as topical as ever: digital detox. What's behind the trend and why it's still so important in 2023.

April 10, 2023

It'll probably come as no surprise to anyone that the daily consumption of digital media - be it smartphones or laptops - has increased immensely in recent years. For example, a study from Germany showed that the time 16- to 65-year-olds spend in front of smartphone screens amounts to around 2 to 3 hours a day - and the trend is rising. This figure does not even include laptops and PCs. If you add them too, the figures double: in Austria, for example, a person spends almost 6 hours a day on the Internet.

Der Trend hin zum digital Detox, zur digitalen Entgiftung also, kommt nicht von irgendwoher. Dabei verzichtet man für einen bestimmten Zeitraum auf Smartphones, Tablets und Computer oder auch Fernsehen und Internet – oder reduziert den Konsum dieser Medien zumindest.

Digital Detox is designed to help shift attention back to the here and now. © Becca Tapert

The trend toward digital detox doesn't come from nowhere. It involves giving up smartphones, tablets, computers, television and the Internet for a certain period of time - or at least reducing consumption of these media. Around one tenth of Internet users in Germany had resolved to reduce their personal use of digital media in 2022. .

What too much digital consumption can do to us

Digital Detox: Diverse Studien haben bereits belegt, dass übermäßiger Internetkonsum zu digitaler Abhängigkeit und einer Vielzahl an psychologischen Problemen führen kann.

Excessive Internet use can lead to psychological problems. © Gilles Lambert

Various studies have already proven that excessive Internet use is associated with digital dependence and a variety of psychological problems. These include sleep disorders, depression, and even anxiety. Study results from the University of Vienna, for example, show that excessive use of social media such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok can lead to information overload and, subsequently, depressive symptoms and a reduced sense of well-being.

Digital Detox on vacation

Numerous renowned retreats and special digital detox programs at well-known hotels and resorts prove that you can do this not only in everyday life, but also on your vacation. They usually combine the internet-free days with mindfulness activities such as yoga, meditations, forest bathing or mindfulness exercises. The goal is to reduce possible addictions and dependencies on the digital world and to live consciously in the here and now.

Hiking through the Sonoran desert

Digital Detox with healthy eating and plenty of exercise in the fresh air at The Ranch. © The Ranch Malibu

Double relaxation: if you want to go on a digital cure during your vacation, you can combine this with luxurious stays. One retreat that has been making itself heard for years is The Ranch Malibu, which celebrated its European debut just last year with the opening of its The Ranch Italy. The luxury wellness retreat-meets-bootcamp focuses on holistic health. Guests can hand over their mobile phones at the start of their stay to focus entirely on their well-being, going on daily hikes or attending yoga and fitness classes. In addition to digital, there's also a complete detoxification cure based on nutrition. In addition, many of the world's renowned luxury hotels offer their own digital detox programs and retreats. For example, the Mandarin Oriental in Hong Kong, which offers retreats including de-stress massages, mind games or meditation.

Read more: Trend Watch Psychedelic Retreats: When Wellness Expands Consciousness

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