Wellness – kennen und lieben wir. Weniger bekannt ist der Trend der sogenannten Emotional Wellness: Dabei steht die mentale Gesundheit im Mittelpunkt des Urlaubs.

Trend Watch Emotional Wellness: Mental Wellbeing as a Destination

Wellness - we know and love it. Less known, however, is the trend of the so-called emotional wellness: here the mental health is the focus of the vacation.

April 10, 2023

Since 2020 at the latest, it has been one of the most common topics of conversation: mental health. Stress, little social contact, too much time indoors - the list of factors that have caused many of us to struggle with our mental health increased by everyday stresses is long. So-called emotional wellness is about achieving a healthy balance between thoughts and feelings. Physical as well as mental health play an important role.

Bei der sogenannten Emotional Wellness geht es darum, ein gesundes Gleichgewicht zwischen Gedanken und Gefühlen zu erreichen. Dabei spielen körperliche ebenso wie geistige Gesundheit eine wichtige Rolle.

At Emotional Wellness, guests engage in therapy sessions. © Shvets Production

Emotional Wellness in the hotel industry

Numerous studies testify to the deteriorating mental health of the world's population. Among them is a study by the Robert Koch Institute: since 2020, adults in Germany have been suffering from poorer wellbeing in terms of anxiety, worry or depressive moods such as loss of interest and dejection. In addition, the stigma surrounding therapies and the like has declined in recent years. Consequently, the developments of recent years have also had an impact on tourism: hotels and resorts are now offering a wide range of courses, workshops or therapies to improve the mental health of their guests.

Preidlhof Spa Hotel www.jamesbedford.com

The Preidlhof Spa. © Preidlhof Spa Hotel

For example, Kimpton was the first hotel chain to offer licensed therapies for guests and employees after the pandemic: to do so, the hotel chain partnered with Talkspace, a virtual behavioral health care company. The Preidlhof Luxury DolceVita Resort in Italy also lists more than just massages and facials: during its retreat "Transformational Journey" guests are assigned a Preidlhof Master Therapist with whom wellness, psychological and sensory counseling sessions are conducted. The wellness journey is designed to address all levels of consciousness: physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual. .

Inner and outer journeys

Spa Behandlung

The open air treatment room at Kamalaya on Koh Samui. © Kamalaya Koh Samui 

If you want to go on an Emotional Wellness vacation you can also travel to Kamalaya Koh Samui in Thailand: the award-winning island retreat invites guests to holistic wellness with yoga, meditation, detoxification and emotional wellness. The goal of the stay is to help guests find a healthy balance between their emotional and physical needs. Separate retreat packages on the topics of Stress and Burnout or Cultivating Heart, Body and Mind address travelers' mental health. Special sessions such as Embracing Change or Mindfulness Training are also offered.

Mayan rituals and therapy 

Emotional Wellness: Im Mexiko, im luxuriösen Chablé Yucatan mit seinen schicken Casitas und Villen, greift man auf jahrhundertealte Traditionen der Maya zurück.

Mayan rituals in the Chablé Yucatan. © Brenda Sánchez

In Mexico, the luxurious Chablé Yucatan, with its chic casitas and villas, draws on centuries-old Mayan traditions. The two programs, Tree of Life and Heaven on Earth, combine beneficial ancient healing techniques and modern science. Here, wellness is seen as a path to a better and a healthier self-image. After a personal consultation, guests are suggested one of three appropriate Chablé Spa Journeys, each designed to bring a different energetic result depending on their feelings and stage in life. Traditional rituals are used as well as advanced therapeutic methods. At the end of each retreat there's a ceremony to close the cycle of life on which the philosophy of Chablé is based.

Alternative healing methods

Bewusstseinserweiterung und Wellness: Eine Kombination, die Stars wie Ali Wong längst überzeugt hat und nun immer mehr in den Mainstream rückt. Das steckt hinter dem exklusiven Trend.

Psychedelic retreats focus on the spiritual well-being of guests. © Pretty Drugthings

Worth mentioning in this context, besides the typical therapy offers of the hotels, are also psychedelic retreats. They rely on the therapeutic effect of various mind-expanding plant medicines such as ayahuasca or psilocybin. The focus lies on the spiritual wellbeing of the guests. .

Read more: Trend Watch Psychedelic Retreats: When Wellness Expands Consciousness

In conclusion

The trend toward Emotional Wellness is unlikely to diminish in the coming years. What can be counted on is the increasing social acceptance of therapies and counseling sessions in the mainstream. A normalization of understanding that mental health is as important as physical health. So the trend will likely become commonplace soon - something that'll likely be reflected in tourism as well, in the wake of broader emotional wellness offerings.

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