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Bawah Reserve: Is This the Most Beautiful Secret Spot in Indonesia?

Where crystal clear water meets white sandy beaches lined with lush green palm trees and not a soul to be seen - that's where the Secret-Hideaway Resort Bawah Reserve is located.

February 9, 2023

They really still exist, these small dreamlike tropical islands. You know them from catalogs and travel magazines, their beauty: breathtaking. No tourists, just nature and the bright blue sky, which almost becomes one with the turquoise, crystal clear sea. One of these islands is Elang Private Island. It belongs to the Anambas archipelago in Indonesia. To the west is Malaysia, and to the east is the island of Borneo. Exactly here, in the middle of a private paradise, the Resort Bawah Reserve invites you to an exclusive experience in a class of its own. 

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Exciting journey

The journey is demanding, but worth it when you consider what kind of paradise awaits you. One can arrive by ferry from Singapore. It goes to Batam in Indonesia, where you change to a seaplane that flies over sea for 80 minutes and parks on the water right in front of the resort. 

Paradise found

Once you've arrived at this private oasis, you won't want to leave in a hurry. The Bawah Reserve extends over six islands. In addition to ten overwater bungalows on stilts, the facilities include several beachfront villas. Each of the cottages is made of resak and rattan and shines in Indonesian style. You can alternatively stay in one of 22 beachfront suites that are part of the resort.

The Elang Private Island

On Elang Private Island, guests will find a very special secret spot: There is only room for 20 guests here, in the five one-room lodges or a longhouse with more than 254 square meters of space. In just a few minutes you can reach the main island and the rest of the resort by boat.

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A spa and a saltwater infinity pool with an open slide in close proximity complete the experience. The resort can accommodate about 20 guests at a time, but you won't find much tourism in the Anambas archipelago anyway. The Bawah is therefore a place of peace and regeneration.

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The six islands of the group invite to plenty of activities. Besides hiking in the forest and sunbathing on the 13 white beaches, the surrounding area offers space for snorkeling tours in the lagoons. Everyone gets their money's worth here.

Farm to table

Because the resort only has to cater for two handfuls of visitors, the ingredients for the dishes in the restaurants come mainly from the resort's own garden. And so typical Indonesian specialties, lots of vegetables and fruit are on the menu. 

Resort Bawah Reserve
Kiabu, South Siantan, Anambas Islands, Riau Kepulauan, Indonesia
Email: reservations@bawahreserve.com
Tel: +62 813 1297 2018
Web: bawahreserve.com

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