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These places in Austria have a particularly southern flair

You don't necessarily have to cross the border to get that Mediterranean holiday feeling!

2 September 2021

Even though the summer is slowly coming to an end and the holiday are unfortunately already over for many, this does not mean that you have to completely forego the holiday spirit. Because, even in Austria, there are places where a Mediterranean, almost southern flair prevails. With a little imagination, you could almost believe that you are in Italy, for example, while strolling through the old town of Graz.

These four places in Austria convey an absolute holiday feeling: 

The picturesque alleys in Vienna

Actually, there are numerous places in Vienna alone that convey a pure holiday feeling. For example, the promenade along the old Danube, where bathing spots, lush trees and idyllic restaurants line up. Or the old town, where there are numerous historic buildings and picturesque courtyards where you can enjoy your ice cream. The numerous markets in Vienna also convey a holiday flair. The most famous one: the Naschmarkt! There you can buy products from many countries and regions and taste half the world.

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The Mediterranean Old Town in Villach

Villach conveys a southern flair simply because the city is only about 20 minutes away from the Italian border. Ceramic markets, ice cream parlours, dreamy alleys to stroll through and small shops are very reminiscent of a place directly on the Mediterranean. And the water is basically not far away either. Both Lake Wörthersee and Lake Ossiach are in the immediate vicinity.

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The dreamy places in Graz

Graz is considered a city with Mediterranean flair. This is not only due to the numerous Italian restaurants in the idyllic old town, but also to certain places where you simply feel like you are on holiday. For example the Franziskanerplatz in the heart of the city. There are numerous cafés and bistros, all of which have outdoor seating. Visitors can make themselves comfortable while admiring the ornate house facades and marvelling at the imposing church.

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The ancient ruins in the Roman city of Carnuntum

Rome in the middle of Austria? Yes, it is possible! In the province of Lower Austria. Because the Roman city of Carnuntum is hidden there. Normally, ancient excavations are more likely to be found in Athens, Verona, Rome or Pula. But, also in Lower Austria some treasures await! Once Carnuntum was an important world city at the border of the Roman Empire. Especially interesting are the ancient houses, the amphitheatre and the museum in town. In addition, you can taste typical dishes from the old Roman Empire and buy vases, pottery and the like.  

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